Business Connections

Is your business looking to engage with the Mason community? We value being your neighbor and want to help you partner with our vibrant university community, including students, faculty, staff and alumni!

1) ADVERTISINGReview our advertising opportunities on campus, including paid advertisement, student mailings, table kiosks, leafleting, etc. Appropriate contact information and/or websites are included.


  • Commercial vendors interested in doing business with the university must first join eVA and then send an information packet to Purchasing and Accounts Payable (703-993-2580) outlining their products/services.
  • Food vendors interested in becoming an approved caterer must register with Auxiliary Services & Operations.
  • Mason Merchants accept the Mason Money Card for purchases and services. Visit Mason Merchants for more information.

3) UNIVERSITY EVENTS AND PROGRAMS - Market your business through campus events and programs such as Welcome Week, Homecoming, Grad Week, athletic events, or Mason Merchants. If you are interested in discussing opportunities, contact the Office of Community and Local Government Relations at or 703-993-8846.

4) WORKFORCE RECRUITMENT AND INTERNSHIPS - Recruit Mason students for jobs and internships through our Career Services Office. Visit to get started.

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Traci Kendall, Executive Director
Office: 703-993-8846

Toni Andrews, Senior Associate Director, Mason Square (Arlington)
Office: 703-993-9817

Brooke Stark, Associate Director, SciTech
Office: 703-993-8376

Office of Community and Local Government Relations
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MS 3C2
Fairfax, VA 22030
Main Office: 703-993-8846