Jack Wood Award Recipients for 2014
Business/Nonprofit Category:
Interstate – Interstate has partnered with the university for eight years on the award-winning Patriot Pack Out Program by supplying a community trailer and driver to store and deliver all goods collected. Patriot Pack Out is a university program designed to facilitate waste reduction at George Mason University, particularly during move out, while benefiting the local Fairfax County community. Through this streamlined, low cost, volunteer outreach program, the university community is encouraged to conveniently donate unwanted clothes and appliances, as well as unopened food items, which are delivered to Food For Others, and The Clock Tower Thrift Shop benefiting Northern Virginia Family Services. With Interstate as a partner, we were able to donate 72,813 pounds of food, clothing and appliances benefitting Northern Virginia families over the past eight years (averaging 9,101 pounds per year). George Mason University would not have been able to implement this program without Interstate’s assistance due to lack of collection/storage space on campus, and no method to deliver that quantity of goods.
Elected Official or City/County Employee Category:
Mayor Scott Silverthorne – In a short two-year period, Mayor Scott Silverthorne has been instrumental in developing a culture for collaboration between the City of Fairfax and George Mason University. His leadership has provided the opportunity to enhance town-gown relations and has laid a stronger foundation for future initiatives. Examples include: The foresight to invite university leadership to his first off-site retreat with City Council; Founding member and current Chair of the Fairfax Campus Advisory Board; Ongoing strategic planning regarding university and City master plans and opportunities for partnership; Partnership and support of town-gown initiatives including Relax in Fairfax Welcome Week Event, Welcome Tables and Welcome Walks for Off-Campus Students, City Council On-Campus Special Session with Student Government, Road Decal Installation, University/Community Forums, Student Radiothon fund raiser for local non-profit, and participation in Mason Student Government’s Big Event; Co-presentation at Virginia Municipal League Conference regarding town-gown relations; Approved resources for City Council Member attendance at International Town Gown Association Conference; and Partnering with Mason and NVRC to facilitate a public forum to explore downtown Fairfax economic development opportunities in the near future.
Congratulations to all our award recipients. We greatly appreciate your leadership in strengthening the relationships between the university and the communities we serve.