Development of State Legislative and Budget Priorities
This Advisory outlines the development process for state legislative and budgetary priorities for George Mason University.
Goals of Priority Setting Process
The primary purpose of setting legislative and budget priorities is to ensure a well-planned and strategic approach to securing approval of legislative objectives and critical funding needs for George Mason University. Such planning will enable the university to dedicate an appropriate balance of staff resources to navigate through the legislative and agency processes.
Process to Establish Priorities
Vice Presidents for each respective area of responsibility will have full discretion to set internal review/approval processes for proposals to be considered for inclusion as a priority. Such processes may include requirements for supporting documentation, internal review exercises, and deadlines that may be necessary, in addition to the optional template and annual timetables noted below. Vice Presidents will advance those legislative and budget proposals that enhance the goals and mission of George Mason University to the Government Relations Council which will then advance the priorities to the President for final consideration.
The University will not support legislative or budget priorities that are advanced without following the process established in this advisory.
Legislative and budget proposals are ultimately submitted to state agencies in a variety of formats. Such formats change from year-to-year and are not always known in advance of required decision timelines (noted below). Each Vice President will provide direction on the format and level of detail for any such proposals originating in their area of responsibility. The Office of the Senior Vice President will format proposals in the decision brief template provided by the Department of Planning and Budget.
Annual Timetable
While the timetable for legislative and budget processes are subject to change each year, the following timetable will provide a general sense of the calendar of events, with the understanding that each Vice President may develop other internal deadlines.
Recognizing that legislative and budget issues unique to George Mason may materialize past certain deadlines noted in the annual timetable, it is unlikely that Mason will be able to advance a proposal identified after November 1 in order to be approved for the upcoming state (July 1) fiscal year. The University will, however, continue to work with advocacy associations throughout the year on matters of mutual interest to universities and other relevant state agencies.
On a related topic, the University will work in tandem with many professional and advocacy associations on legislative initiatives of mutual interest. Please see additional information on taking public positions on legislative and budgetary issues.
If you have any questions regarding this advisory, please contact Lauren Posey, Director of State Government Relations, at or 804-786-2217.